Guidelines – Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI) in Primary Care

The ESPCG are in the process of creating a high-quality evidence-based guideline for the diagnosis and management of DGBI patients in primary care. This project is supported by UEG.

The guideline will cover :
  • Criteria to consider DGBI in primary care ( upper and lower GI tract)
  • Co-morbidities to consider possible DGBI in primary care from patient history and longitudinal care.
  • Positive diagnostic criteria (Rome IV) for primary care physicians
  • Referral criteria to GI specialists and follow-up /shared-care between health care levels
  • Quality of life (QoL) issues from patients perspective (PROMs)
  • Management strategies with an holistic approach.
  • Biopsychosocial perspective and different levels of intervention: role of psychological support in primary care.

The guideline is due for publication in 2025. For more information please contact the Secretariat