The Liver & MASLD

The ESPCG is working with University of Crete to create new guidance for Primary Care clinicians in the management of MASLD. Part of the project has involved working with partners in Spain and Netherlands to both assess current Primary Care practices and knowledge of MASLD and to raise awareness of how healthcare professionals can support patients in a Primary Care setting.

The project has involved developing learning material in 3 languages, Greek, Dutch and Spanish and you can access these courses here.

Three papers have already been published as a result of the project:

Papadakis S, Anastasaki M, Gergianaki I, Koek G, Mendive J, Anastasiou F, Heyens L, Garcia-Retortillo M, Muris J, Lionis C. Development and implementation of a continuing medical education program on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease for primary care practitioners in Europe. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023 Mar 23;10:1034626. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1034626. PMID: 37035308; PMCID: PMC10077524. Link

Lionis, C.; Papadakis, S.; Anastasaki, M.; Aligizakis, E.; Anastasiou, F.; Francque, S.; Gergianaki, I.; Mendive, J. M.; Marketou, M.; Muris, J.; Manolakopoulos, S.; Papatheodoridis, G.; Samonakis, D.; Symvoulakis, E.; Tsiligianni, I. Practice Recommendations for the Management of MASLD in Primary care: Consensus Results. Preprints 2024, 2024061206. Link

Anastasaki M, Papadakis S, Gergianaki IN, Papastamatiou L, Aligizakis E, Grillaki N, Boutzoukaki E, Sivaropoulos N, Anastasiou F, Mendive J, de Juan-Asenjo C, Hernández-Ibáñez R, Martínez-Escudé A, Garcia-Retortillo M, Koek G, Heyens L, Muris J, Lionis CD. Development and pilot evaluation of an evidence-based algorithm for MASLD (formerly NAFLD) management in primary care in Europe. Front Med (Lausanne). 2024 Nov 21;11:1383112. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2024.1383112. PMID: 39640981; PMCID: PMC11617198. Link

In addition ESPCG hold various educational meetings, attend various conferences and support EASL initiatives by providing a Primary Care perspective on MASLD.

For more information on our recent educational event in Romania, Liver Problems: Management in Primary Care follow this link.